Traits of a High Performance workplace in 2022

Bob McKenzie
Bob McKenzie 
Duration: 60 Minutes
Webinar ID: 70091

More Trainings by this Expert

Price Details
Recorded Webinar
$199 One Attendee
$399 Corporate Recorded

Recorded: Access recorded version, only for one participant unlimited viewing for 6 months ( Access information will be emailed 24 hours after the completion of live webinar)

Corporate Recorded: Access recorded version, Any number of participants unlimited viewing for 6 months ( Access information will be emailed 24 hours after the completion of live webinar)


Have you ever walked into a workplace and felt the magic? It's not tangible. You can't see it. It's not easy to describe. You just feel the magic when you enter. Visualize an organizational culture in which the various functions work together in harmony like a symphony orchestra. What a huge competitive advantage you would have if this was the way of life in your organization. This webinar provides common sense guidelines on what organizations need to do to work toward and maintain a high level of dedication throughout the organization.

If you think about it, the only competitive advantage of any company is their people. The degree in which employees work together, pitch in where and when necessary and just feel good about going to work every day will have a positive effect on the bottom line.

Why you should Attend:
In this webinar, participants will learn what characteristics that any organization must have to thrive and prosper.

  • The four primary characteristics of a high performance workplace
  • Developing the values of the organization that guide all activities
  • Ensuring the values of the organization are maintained in good times and bad
  • Ways to ensure that all employees are engaged in their work
  • Becoming an "Employee of Choice"
  • Develop your plan to maintain a culture of higher and higher performance

Areas Covered in the Session:
  • Setting the Foundations for a High Performance Workplace
  • The Management Challenge to create and maintain a High Performance Workplace
  • Review of the Four Tenets of a High Performance Workplace
  • Developing SMARTER objectives
  • Developing a Plan on How to Get There
  • The Characteristics of a High Performance Workplace
  • The Manager's Call to Action

Who Will Benefit:
  • Business Owners
  • Executives
  • All Managers
  • Human Resources Professionals
  • General Managers

Speaker Profile
Bob McKenzie, has over 40 years of human resources management experience. His background includes a wide range of hands-on experience in all areas of Human resources management in all types of industries within the public and private sectors. Bob has been cited in a number of Human Resources trade publications. Among them are, HR Magazine, HR Florida Review,, BNA and the Institute of Management and Administration and the Business Journal. He has been a speaker at a number of conferences as well as audio and web-based seminars. Bob is a graduate of Rider University where he received a Bachelor of Science in Commerce Degree and double majored in Industrial Relations and Organizational Behavior.

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