Onboarding Your Customer - Learn How To Make Sure Your New Customer Feels Like A Part Of The Family

Paul Nunn
Paul Nunn 
Duration: 60 Minutes
Webinar ID: 72300

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Price Details
Recorded Webinar
$199 One Attendee
$399 Corporate Recorded

Recorded: Access recorded version, only for one participant unlimited viewing for 6 months ( Access information will be emailed 24 hours after the completion of live webinar)

Corporate Recorded: Access recorded version, Any number of participants unlimited viewing for 6 months ( Access information will be emailed 24 hours after the completion of live webinar)


You've just opened an account for a customer. Congratulations! They are now part of your bank or credit union's family. Now the customer service and loyalty starts

Don't let the customer just walk with a pile of paperwork and a business card. Onboard them. In this webinar, I’ll show you how to make your new customer feel like a part of the family. And that will create customer loyalty. And yes, they'll tell all their friends.

Why should you Attend: New customers need to feel like they are a part of a family. They need to feel a personal connection to your bank or credit union. If the account opening process is just another transaction, there is no reason for that new customer to stay. Onboarding will help develop that personal relationship that every bank or credit union wants to have with customers.

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • How customers view banks and credit unions
  • The psychology of establishing a great relationship with a customer
  • How to onboard a customer face-to-face or virtually

Who Will Benefit:
  • Frontline Employees
  • Sales Professionals
  • Call Center Employees
  • Customer Service Employees

Speaker Profile
Paul Nunn is a Sales and Leadership Trainer with over 25 years of training experience with community banks and credit unions across the country. He’s a certified leadership coach and has helped hundreds of bankers and leaders provide outstanding service by focusing on building a trusting relationship with the customer.

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