Mentorships: A “Must-Have” for Recruiting and Retaining Employees in the New Remote and Hybrid Workplace

Maure Ann Metzger
Maure Ann Metzger 
Duration: 60 Minutes
Webinar ID: 70830

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Price Details
Recorded Webinar
$199 One Attendee
$399 Corporate Recorded

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The pandemic drastically changed the way we work. Where and how we work was disrupted. More employees are working in remote and hybrid formats. Thousands of people left the workforce during and after the pandemic. As a result, recruiting and retaining employees has become more challenging.

How do you effectively address these disruptions and changes in your organization? Mentorship programs are a powerful solution to these dilemmas. They are needed now, more than ever, to address current workplace and workforce challenges.

Mentorship programs provide the necessary connections, engagement and support that new employees want and need. So how do you develop or update Mentorship programs to meet the needs of remote and hybrid workers? How do you develop engaging and effective Mentorship programs that help recruit and retain high quality employees? And how do you know if these programs are effective? This webinar will provide in-depth solutions to these current dilemmas.

Why should you Attend:
Employees can feel more isolated and less connected to colleagues and the organization when working remotely or in a hybrid format. Mentorships are a powerful solution to keeping employees connected and engaged with colleagues and the organization. They are also a means to meet the current demands of the workforce which include a desire for growth, development, and mentorship.

There are many benefits, along with some challenges, of remote and hybrid mentorships. As such, mentorship programs need to be developed with care and intentionality. Participants in the webinar will learn the specific steps for building or improving remote and hybrid mentorship programs. They will also learn about the essential elements of engaging and successful remote and hybrid mentorships.

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • The impact of recent disruptions and changes on the workplace and workforce
  • How Mentorship programs serve as a powerful solution to current challenges in the remote and hybrid workplace
  • The challenges and benefits of remote and hybrid Mentorship programs
  • The essential components of an engaging Mentorship program
  • Five important steps for developing a successful Mentorship program: goal setting, designing, training, managing and evaluating

Who Will Benefit:
  • Individual contributors in the organization (team members)
  • Leadership
  • Management
  • Supervisors
  • Human Resources
  • Diversity, inclusion & equity leaders
  • Organization as a whole

Speaker Profile
Maure Ann Metzger , ED.D. is an author, trainer, consultant and psychologist. Her 20+ years of experience as a consultant, trainer and psychologist provides for a unique and holistic approach to her work with organizations and employees.

Dr. Metzger has successfully guided organizations through strategic development efforts, change initiatives and evaluation processes. In addition to her work with organizations, Dr. Metzger is a member of the Minnesota Change Management Network.

Dr. Metzger offers training and consulting that addresses recent changes and challenges in the workforce and workplace. Her training focuses on creating healthy workplaces that support employee well-being, retention, and growth. Examples of general training topics include:

New employee Onboarding
Mentorship Programs
Change Management
Employee Well-Being, Resiliency and Growth

In addition to training, Dr. Metzger has led strategic development and change management initiative in organizations. Examples include:

New Employee Induction Programs
Mentorship Programs
Employee Engagement Stakeholder Research
Professional Development for Employees
Motivational Interviewing with Clients
Solution-Focused Practices

Maure Ann Metzger holds a doctorate in Organizational Leadership and has been the recipient of numerous awards in her career.

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