Gaining Ultimate Self-Confidence: Make your Voice Count and Regain your Confidence

Enolia Foti
Enolia Foti 
Duration: 60 Minutes
Webinar ID: 70519

More Trainings by this Expert

Price Details
Recorded Webinar
$199 One Attendee
$399 Corporate Recorded

Recorded: Access recorded version, only for one participant unlimited viewing for 6 months ( Access information will be emailed 24 hours after the completion of live webinar)

Corporate Recorded: Access recorded version, Any number of participants unlimited viewing for 6 months ( Access information will be emailed 24 hours after the completion of live webinar)


This coursework is designed to engage individuals that already know that something needs to shift in their confidence in order for the future to change. They realize that conscious change needs to take place but are unaware of where to start, how to proceed for continuous improvement, what are the blocks in their sharing and persona, and how they get removed. All they know is that they have the desire for conscious transformation without being sure where to go from here.

Our greatest gift to humanity is our voice. The voice inside our hearts and the voice expressed outwardly. Every thought and statement we have is significant and contributes to how we move through life to our future. This is why we want to keep our thoughts and words positive. It enables us to attract and align our path in life in the most positive of ways. We attract what we think and what we say. Learn the importance of our thoughts and statements, and how it impacts us as we set our vision and goals in life. Learn the tips and techniques to keep thoughts and statements on track so that you can see, feel and receive the changes it has, inside and out. Notice and empower yourself to choose how you move and align with your vision.

Everyone has a voice designed for the purpose of making their presence known. We will take a deep dive into understanding what attributes our voice has and what mindset we need to embark on in order to glean the confidence needed to bring our voices forward, not in arrogance but in powerful frequency. We will learn the inner workings of what the voice has to offer.

Why you should Attend:
Many of us want to enrich our lives and or professions, but do not know what to do. The need to widen our vision, see past limiting beliefs, and know what to do to bring forward the best version of ourselves to improve our home and professional life eludes us. We sometimes allow judgments to define us and as a result, we give away our power in decision making and we have no idea how to recover. We make decisions based on fear, scarcity, and past pain. Sometimes our lives cycle in a story of stagnancy or consistently missing achievement and success.

Negative speech and thoughts are one of our greatest detriments. It is an impairment to ourselves and others when used as a projection. We work hard to navigate through obstacles, blocks, and confrontations to get to achievement. In order to reach your vision, we must know intimately how and why your voice is of value so that when it is shared and projected, you get the impact and the results you are looking for.

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • Gain confidence and understanding of the impact of one’s voice
  • Focus on strength and integrity
  • Develop new skills to improve mindfulness
  • Foster a wellness culture within the larger organization
  • Create dynamic relationships in the workplace; and in life

Who Will Benefit:
  • Entry Level Corporate Employees
  • Entry Level Entrepreneurs
  • Women

Speaker Profile
Enolia Foti is an Award-Winning International Speaker, International Empowerment Educator, Social Entrepreneur, Life and Business Coach, and Author. ENOLIA holds a BS in Mathematics from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst and an MBA from Regis University, where she graduated Suma Cum Laude from her class and was inducted to the Alpha Sigma Nu Honor Society. Her 20-plus years navigating the dynamics of the corporate world fortified her with leadership development, coaching, and various certifications.

She holds several IT certifications and has networked entire IT solutions for global organizations in both profit and non-profit sectors as well as served on multiple boards. A natural orator, ENOLIA harmonizes corporate experience with a broad knowledge base that includes many traditions from around the world. To motivate and inspire others to reach their goals, she shares the ancient wisdom she gained under the tutelage of Indigenous elders from the Ojibwa, Lakota, Yaqui, Hopi, Apache Nation of North America, Mapuche of Chile, Toltec of Mexico, Waitaha of New Zealand, and the Luhya of Kenya.

She is also an initiate of the Ovimbundu of Angola and the Q’ero of Peru as a keeper of their cosmological traditions. She imparts her gifts to inspire and empower the soul by sharing her cumulative knowledge of ancient practices and teachings up through the present day.

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