Excel - A Beginner's Guide to Creating Effective Charts

Valerie Pelan
Valerie Pelan 
Duration: 60 Minutes
Webinar ID: 72422

More Trainings by this Expert

Price Details
Recorded Webinar
$199 One Attendee
$399 Corporate Recorded

Recorded: Access recorded version, only for one participant unlimited viewing for 6 months ( Access information will be emailed 24 hours after the completion of live webinar)

Corporate Recorded: Access recorded version, Any number of participants unlimited viewing for 6 months ( Access information will be emailed 24 hours after the completion of live webinar)


Impress your boss. Impress your colleagues. Turn drab into fab. Tell your story with awesome charts in Excel. This webinar will equip you with the knowledge you need to turn your numerical data into a set of engaging, attention-grabbing and easy-to-understand visuals!

Excel - A Beginner’s Guide to Effective Charts is your step-by-step guide to mastering one of Excel’s most powerful features. Whether you’re presenting data at work, managing personal projects, or simply love numbers, this training is designed to transform you from an Excel novice into a confident chart creator!

“Every Picture Tells a Story” is a popular saying which is true not only in everyday life but in Excel too. Behind every set of numerical data is a story waiting to be told. The telling of this story needs to be succinct, easy to understand and engaging. For most people it’s much easier to understand data, uncover important insights and make better decisions if that data is displayed in a visual way.

Drab-to-Fab. Engaging. Attention-grabbing you can create a basic chart in Excel with a couple of mouse clicks or even a single keypress but the result is very plain and not at all engaging.

This training will teach you how to make your charts more visually appealing so that they grab people’s attention. Infographics are a popular way of presenting data. After participating in this course, you’ll be able to convert a bland chart into an awesome infographic with just a few mouse clicks!

Why should you Attend:

  • Learn how to select the most appropriate chart to convey your message
  • Learn how to create a chart from a set of data and change its appearance
  • Learn how to create infographic-style charts
  • Learn how to integrate Excel charts with other applications such as Word and PowerPoint

Areas Covered in the Session:
  • Selecting the appropriate visual
  • Creating a basic chart (bar, column, line, pie)
  • Changing the chart type and data source
  • Dynamic charts - automate adding new data to a chart
  • From Drab to Fab - convert a basic chart into an eye-catching visual
  • Fill the bars with images and shapes to create infographic-style charts

Who Will Benefit:
  • This training is designed for existing users of Excel who have little or no experience of creating charts. Windows users should at a minimum, have Excel 2010. Mac users will need Excel 2016 or later

Speaker Profile
Valerie Pelan has been consulting and providing Executive coaching for over 10 years.

She provides her corporate clients with a strategic and global perspective that combines her business experience working in Fortune 100 companies and her experience as an entrepreneur. As President of Integrated Focus, she provides leadership coaching to leaders and high potentials: her areas of expertise are executive presence, career transitioning and leading change.

She works with the owners and executive teams in mid-sized companies providing Strategic Planning and communication skills.

Valerie was featured in Jan. 2009 Dallas Business Journal. Her clients agree she provides a strategic perspective on leadership and team dynamics that improves performance and positively impacts business results.

Valerie’s 20+ years in Fortune 100 companies included strategic organizations such as product management, competitive and financial analysis, regulatory affairs and service implementation.

Valerie has worked with C suite leaders to VP and business owners and their executive teams. She is certified by the global standards organization, ICF and mentors and assesses coaches as part of their coaching certification. She is certified in over 15 assessments giving her flexibility and adaptability to work in various organizational cultures: MBTI - Myers Briggs, DISC, Extraordinary Leader 360, MLQ 360, Lominger Voices 360, Hogan Inventories, Winslow Behavioral Profile, and Conflict Dynamics Profile.

Valerie has been a leader in the community and continues to serve on non-profit Boards. She speaks at National and global conferences on Coaching, leadership, and Communication skills. She has MBA in Economics and is an adjunct professor at University of Dallas College MBA program in the College of Business.

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