10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST
60 Minutes
Webinar ID: 74411
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Employee performance evaluations are an essential factor in the development of employees and the growth of the company, yet most managers and employees dread them.
Why? Because they often have the wrong focus - a focus of telling the employee what they have to do to improve or why they are getting less than stellar ratings for the year.
It is time to eliminate the dread of performance reviews and turn them into a robust conversation about personal professional growth and aligning the individual with goals that move the both individual and the company forward.
Components of healthy performance reviews are ensuring goals are focused and achievable, removing blocks the employee may face, asking appropriate questions, and giving feedback, both negative and positive.
When managers and supervisors learn to set a positive environment for honest discussions, the appraisal process becomes a constructive discussion that builds relationships and increases performance. It can be duplicated throughout the year with positive results.
Why you should Attend:
Take the trepidation out of your year-end performance reviews with this valuable webinar, Performance Reviews that Create Loyalty.
The techniques taught in this webinar will:
- Give you confidence in the performance review process
- Help you develop skills in observation of behaviors
- Strengthen your ability to listen and ask questions
- Enlighten you on how to have conversations at regular intervals that support the performance reviews
The importance of the performance review process is summarized in this often-quoted phrase: "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got."
Don't be satisfied with the results of past performance reviews.
Sign up for this webinar and learn performance review techniques that will get you more loyalty and productivity in the future than you've had in the past Register all of your managers and supervisors and enable them to turn performance reviews into a collaborative and cooperative event.
Areas Covered in the Session:
In this webinar you will how to put a positive performance appraisal process in place in your organization and learn how to:
- Clearly state expectations
- Decide and communicate performance review logistics
- Set consequences for non-performance
- Handle inadvertent human errors
- Use a conversational interview format
- Speak from observable facts
- Give feedback that builds the relationship
- Work with criticism
- Avoid the "sandwich" technique
- Develop KRA's - Key Result Areas
- Prepare mentally
- Ask the employee to prepare
- Handle the salary question
- Surface the truth
ADDED BONUS: You will be taught how to use expanded Microsoft Outlook Calendar and Task Folder features to keep on top of performance review content and meeting times with employees.
Who Will Benefit:
- Office Administrators
- Team Leaders
- Project Managers
- Managers at all Levels of the Company
- Executives
- Sales Managers
- Customer Service Managers
- IT Managers
- Department heads