Benefits and Compensation: An Overview of Key Concerns and What To Do!

Bob Verchota
Bob Verchota 
March 12 2025
10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT
Duration: 60 Minutes
Webinar ID: 74775

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Price Details
Live Webinar
$149 One Attendee
$299 Corporate Live
Recorded Webinar
$199 One Attendee
$399 Corporate Recorded
Combo Offers
Live + Recorded
$299 $348 Live + Recorded
Corporate (Live + Recorded)
$599 $698 Corporate
(Live + Recorded)

Live: One Dial-in One Attendee

Corporate Live: Any number of participants

Recorded: Access recorded version, only for one participant unlimited viewing for 6 months ( Access information will be emailed 24 hours after the completion of live webinar)

Corporate Recorded: Access recorded version, Any number of participants unlimited viewing for 6 months ( Access information will be emailed 24 hours after the completion of live webinar)


Every organization's road to success is achieved through combining products and/or services with staff that are engaged and committed to delivering great quality, service and products.

To attract and retain those outstanding human resources, the people who make it work, the benefits and compensation systems must be supportive. Complexity abounds in both arenas, benefits and compensation.

Regulation and laws provide guidance to organizations on what and how those wages and benefits can be provided. The material covered is not a legal review, instead an operational view from the ground level on what benefits can deliver and how compensation can be structured to give a best use of resources approach to Total Compensation

Why should you Attend: Do you have complaints about the compensation system, from staff, managers, leadership, HR? Where are the issues coming from and why? Or are you looking for options to make your compensation system more aligned with the market, technology, the environment? Are you constantly doing emergency market assessments or asked for special wage range adjustments? Are your pay rates OK yet people keep leaving for other organizations who pay the same?

This webinar can help you sort through the questions and develop a plan of action for addressing your most critical questions. Why you pay employees what you do and how could you differentiate your organization from others and lead to improvement in performance.

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • Defining the philosophy/philosophies of your compensation system
  • The link to engagement and performance management
  • Environment scans and adjustments
  • Defining market competitive pay
  • Total compensation defined, the 3 parts
  • Variable pay options
  • Assessing and auditing your current system
  • Challenges of alignment
  • Roles of managers, employees and HR in the compensation system
  • Market Adjustment vs. COLA vs. P4P
  • Forms/Tools/Communications
  • Merit Matrix Models
  • Role of HR in design, audit and delivery
  • Roles of Managers and Supervisors in administration and communication
  • Vendor relationships

Who Will Benefit:
  • HR Staff
  • Compensation Specialists
  • Business Owners
  • Board members
  • Supervisors/Managers
  • Anyone who has responsibility for compensation system philosophy to administration of payroll

Speaker Profile
Bob Verchota is owner and senior consultant for RPVerchota & Associates, a consulting firm providing services to clients who seek to align their business and employees, creating successful outcomes and excellent work environments. After 30+ years in Human Resources senior leadership roles and teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses in Leadership and Organizational Development, Bob transitioned to using his experience and skills in consulting.

Mr. Verchota provides solutions to companies for a wide variety of HR issues including training and development, compensation, compliance, policy development, performance management, employee relations and managing change from mergers and acquisitions to project specific disruptions of the status quo. Bob has an undergraduate degree in Business Administration, graduate degree in Healthcare Administration, and doctoral work (ABD) in Organizational Development. He is a lifetime Senior Professional in Human Resources.

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