Speaker Profile

Glynis Devine
Glynis Devine
Currency Driven Performance Expert , Squeeze the Day! Self-employed,

Glynis E. Devine is a Currency*-Driven Performance expert specializing in developing women leaders.

SPOILER ALERT: THIS Currency* has nothing to do with money!

Glynis works with senior leadership teams to leverage core currencies* to effect epic positive change and to help leaders become more valuable… to all stakeholders.

Her provocative solutions of leveraging Currency* create employees who thrive and enterprises that grow exponentially!

Organizations hire Glynis when they want leader-centric solutions to:

  • attract and retain TOP talent
  • grow better leaders
  • develop an air-tight succession plan
  • equip their leaders to lead - and live - authentically
  • optimize performance
  • grow exponentially

She draws on the wisdom she gleaned from 25 years leading one of the top-performing teams in Canada as a Senior Director in a multinational organization. She has personally sold more than a half million dollars’ worth of lipstick placing her in the top 5 in Canada out of a sales force of 30,000 Glynis…
sits on the National Board of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers (canadianspeakers.org)
founded SHE-Suite, the movement researching how women at the top are changing the game.
is certified in Core Motive - a psychometric that measure why people do what they do
is a certified virtual presenter who delivers in person and online in English and French.
leads Your Soul Journey women’s empowerment retreat to exotic destinations (yoursouljourneyretreat.ca/greece)
has personally sold more than a 1/2 million dollar’s worth of lipstick
trains female ‘high potential’ leaders in Saudi Arabia for Vision 2030
has been an entrepreneur from the age of 20
Has volunteered for and supported the Look Good Feel Better program for women and teens dealing with the effects of cancer for much of her professional life.
Glynis has presented 700+ programs in French and in English

Upcoming Webinars Recorded Webinars
Glynis Devine

Communication Mastery - Unlocking the Power of Effective Communication to Drive Results!

Effective communication is essential for successful collaborations and collaboration is essential for success, however, it's measured.

Speaker: Glynis Devine | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Glynis Devine

Communication Mastery - Unlocking the Power of Effective Communication to Drive Results!

Effective communication is essential for successful collaborations and collaboration is essential for success, however, it's measured.

Speaker: Glynis Devine | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details

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