Speaker Profile

Marcia Zidle
Marcia Zidle
Board-Certified Executive Coach, smartmovescoach,

Marcia Zidle is a board-certified executive coach, business management consultant and keynote speaker, who helps organizations to leverage their leadership and human capital assets.

She has 25 years of management, business consulting and international experience in a variety of industries including health care, financial services, oil and gas, manufacturing, insurance, pharmaceuticals, hospitality, government and nonprofits.

She brings an expertise in strategy and alignment; social and emotional intelligence; executive and team leadership; employee engagement and innovation; personal and organization change management.

She has been selected one of LinkedIn Profinder’s top coaches for the past 5 years.

Upcoming Webinars Recorded Webinars
  • 17
  • September
  • 2024
  • Tuesday
10:00 AM Australia Time

Mastering the Leap to Now Being the Boss: Essential Skills for New Supervisors, Managers, Team Leaders

New managers, supervisors, team leads matter. They’re on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization’s future leaders.

Marcia Zidle Marcia Zidle | Duration:60 Minutes | Price: ¤149.00 | View Details
  • 18
  • September
  • 2024
  • Wednesday
12:00 PM PDT | 03:00 PM EDT

Onboarding Best Practices: Everything You Need to Know to Boost Your New Hire's Engagement & Retention!

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You've gotten them excited about their new job. You're excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Marcia Zidle Marcia Zidle | Duration:60 Minutes | Price: ¤149.00 | View Details
  • 19
  • September
  • 2024
  • Thursday
10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT

Mastering the Leap to Now Being the Boss: Essential Skills for New Supervisors, Managers, Team Leaders

New managers, supervisors, team leads matter. They're on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization's future leaders.

Marcia Zidle Marcia Zidle | Duration:60 Minutes | Price: ¤149.00 | View Details
  • 25
  • September
  • 2024
  • Wednesday
12:00 PM PDT | 03:00 PM EDT

Be a More Effective Leader: Build the Key Skills to Influence Staff, Bosses, Peers & Other Stakeholders!

Powerful, effective leadership will be essential as businesses and organizations continue to transform into a more interconnected, interdependent, global workplace that continues to experience ongoing change.

Marcia Zidle Marcia Zidle | Duration:60 Minutes | Price: ¤149.00 | View Details
  • 9
  • October
  • 2024
  • Wednesday
10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT

Destress the Stress: 10 Positive Ways to Manage Workplace Stress and Burnout So It Doesn't Manage You!

Did you know today 80% of workers - your leaders, managers, and employees - feel stress on the job?

Marcia Zidle Marcia Zidle | Duration:60 Minutes | Price: ¤149.00 | View Details
  • 15
  • October
  • 2024
  • Tuesday
10:00 AM Australia Time

Mastering the Leap to Now Being the Boss: Essential Skills for New Supervisors, Managers, Team Leaders

New managers, supervisors, team leads matter. They’re on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization’s future leaders.

Marcia Zidle Marcia Zidle | Duration:60 Minutes | Price: ¤149.00 | View Details
  • 17
  • October
  • 2024
  • Thursday
10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT

Onboarding Best Practices: Everything You Need to Know to Boost Your New Hire's Experience & Retention!

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You've gotten them excited about their new job. You're excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Marcia Zidle Marcia Zidle | Duration:60 Minutes | Price: ¤149.00 | View Details
  • 24
  • October
  • 2024
  • Thursday
12:00 PM PDT | 03:00 PM EDT

So, You're Now the "Boss": Essential Skills to Succeed as a New Supervisor, Manager, Team Lead!

New managers, supervisors, and team lead matter. They're on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization's future leaders.

Marcia Zidle Marcia Zidle | Duration:60 Minutes | Price: ¤149.00 | View Details
  • 30
  • October
  • 2024
  • Wednesday
12:00 PM PDT | 03:00 PM EDT

Employee Disengagement: Stop Quiet Quitting and Quickly Re-Engage & Re-Energize Your Workforce!

Quiet quitting has become a new buzzword in the workplace. What does it mean, how did this trend get started and what do you need to do to avoid having it negatively affect your organization?

Marcia Zidle Marcia Zidle | Duration:60 Minutes | Price: ¤149.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is NOT Orientation - How to Improve the New Employee Experience

In this webinar, we will learn the reasons onboarding is important today. We will learn that the terms orientation and onboarding are not interchangeable. We will learn that orientation is in reality just one step in the onboarding process. We will learn that the onboarding process begins before the hire is made.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Succession Planning: It's Not Just for Emergencies - It's a Leadership Development Strategy

In the early morning hours of September 11, the world watched in horror as commercial jetliners crashed into the World Trade Center twin towers and the Pentagon.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Bootcamp for New Managers & Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss

New managers, supervisors, team leads matter. They’re on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them, will become your organization’s future leaders. However, most organizations promote productive employees and independent contributors into managerial positions based on their technical competence.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Powerful Leadership: Influencing Skills to Boost Your Reputation, Your Impact and Your Career

Powerful leadership will be essential as businesses and organizations continue to transform into a more interconnected, interdependent, global workplace during the "new normal" of 2022. That’s because leaders can no longer lead solely by the power of their authority or position. They need the personal power of influence - the ability to positively impact the actions, behavior, and opinions of, not just their direct reports, but all stakeholders to achieve targeted results.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Stay Interviews: A Powerful and Low-Cost Employee Engagement and Retention Tool

The best way to find out what your employees want and how to retain them is to ask them. Ask questions to gauge how you're meeting your employees' expectations. Not just "How's it going?", but specific questions to get specific answers. Explore why these people remain with your company. Why did they join the organization? How well are their objectives or dreams being fulfilled? Which aspects of their work do they enjoy the most? Which do they least enjoy? Are they receiving sufficient opportunities for growth and development? What would influence them to look elsewhere?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is NOT Orientation - How to Improve the New Employee Experience

In this webinar, we will learn the reasons onboarding is important today. We will learn that the terms orientation and onboarding are not interchangeable. We will learn that orientation is in reality just one step in the onboarding process. We will learn that the onboarding process begins before the hire is made.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is NOT Orientation - How to Improve the New Employee Experience

In this webinar, we will learn the reasons onboarding is important today. We will learn that the terms orientation and onboarding are not interchangeable. We will learn that orientation is in reality just one step in the onboarding process. We will learn that the onboarding process begins before the hire is made.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Bootcamp for New Managers & Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss 

New managers, supervisors, team leads matter. They’re on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them, will become your organization’s future leaders. However, most organizations promote productive employees and independent contributors into managerial positions based on their technical competence.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Powerful Leadership: Influencing Skills to Boost Your Reputation, Your Impact and Your Career

Powerful leadership will be essential as businesses and organizations continue to transform into a more interconnected, interdependent, global workplace during the “new normal” of 2022. That’s because leaders can no longer lead solely by the power of their authority or position. They need the personal power of influence - the ability to positively impact the actions, behavior, opinions of, not just their direct reports, but all stakeholders to achieve targeted results.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Stay Interviews: A Powerful and Low-Cost Employee Engagement and Retention Tool

The best way to find out what your employees want and how to retain them is to ask them. Ask questions to gauge how you're meeting your employees' expectations. Not just "How's it going?", but specific questions to get specific answers. Explore why these people remain with your company. Why did they join the organization? How well are their objectives or dreams being fulfilled? Which aspects of their work do they enjoy the most? Which do they least enjoy? Are they receiving sufficient opportunities for growth and development? What would influence them to look elsewhere?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Succession Planning: It's Not Just for Emergencies - It's a Leadership Development Strategy

In the early morning hours of September 11, the world watched in horror as commercial jetliners crashed into the World Trade Center twin towers and the Pentagon.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is NOT Orientation - How to Improve the New Employee Experience

In this webinar, we will learn the reasons onboarding is important today. We will learn that the terms orientation and onboarding are not interchangeable. We will learn that orientation is in reality just one step in the onboarding process. We will learn that the onboarding process begins before the hire is made.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hires’ Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You’ve gotten them excited about their new job. You’re excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Bootcamp for New Managers and Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss

New managers, supervisors, team leads matter. They’re on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them, will become your organization’s future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Succession Planning: It's Not Just for Emergencies - It's a Leadership Development Strategy

We are finally coming out of an incredibly challenging and stressful couple of years and are moving into a still uncertain 2023 and beyond! Life and the workplace have changed and this new normal will continue to evolve for some time. So, why as a senior leader, or line manager or human resource professional, should you be concerned with succession planning when you have so many other problems and demands to deal with?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Powerful Speaking Skills: Make Sure You Project Calm, Confidence, Competence and Command

Being able to deliver an effective presentation is a critical skill in today’s workplace. It could be speaking to a large group of peers or employees; or addressing a major client or prospect; or even influencing senior management to fund a project; or some other situation that can impact your credibility as an effective manager or leader.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Stay Interviews: A Powerful and Low-Cost Employee Engagement and Retention Tool

Are your top talent engaged? Do they feel committed to the work they are doing? Do they brag about your company to others as a great place to work?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Your Workplace Culture for 2023: If You Don't Get It Right, Nothing Else Matters

Yes, we are in the midst of a “new normal” that is creating massive challenges to every organization, big and small in all industries.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Coaching for High Performance: How Great Managers Motivate, Engage and Get Outstanding Results

Coaching skills are essential to the job performance of every manager, supervisor, team leader regardless of the kind of work involved. Coaching is a highly visible and positive demonstrations of your leadership skills. It signals to all employees that you will not accept or tolerate sub-standard performance from members of your group. Effective performance coaching will help you to resolve poor performance, reinforce desirable behavior, provide support and encouragement, and stimulate individuals to strive for excellence in work.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Behavioral Interviewing: Hire the Right Talent with the Right Skills & Fit for the Right Positions

Have you ever hired someone who did not live up to expectations? Are your managers selecting too many round pegs to fit into square holes? If you hire people for positions who are not good fits, they will struggle to reach optimum performance, to be fully engaged, and are more likely to leave. They will also eat up your time and energy and weaken an entire team.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Bootcamp for New Managers and Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss

New managers, supervisors, team leads matter. They’re on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them, will become your organization’s future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hires’ Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You’ve gotten them excited about their new job. You’re excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Stay Interviews: A Powerful and Low-Cost Employee Engagement and Retention Tool

Are your top talent engaged? Do they feel committed to the work they are doing? Do they brag about your company to others as a great place to work?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Succession Planning: It's Not Just for Emergencies - It's a Leadership Development Strategy

We are finally coming out of an incredibly challenging and stressful couple of years and are moving into a still uncertain 2023 and beyond! Life and the workplace have changed and this new normal will continue to evolve for some time. So, why as a senior leader, or line manager or human resource professional, should you be concerned with succession planning when you have so many other problems and demands to deal with?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is NOT Orientation - How to Improve the New Employee Experience

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You’ve gotten them excited about their new job. You’re excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Bootcamp for New Managers & Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss 

New managers, supervisors, and team lead matter. They’re on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization’s future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Quiet Quitting: How to Spot It, Stop It and Quickly Re-Engage & Re-Energize Your Workforce

Quiet quitting has become a new buzzword in the workplace. What does it mean, how did this trend get started and what do you need to do to avoid having it negatively affect your organization?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hires’ Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You’ve gotten them excited about their new job. You’re excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Stay Interviews: A Powerful and Low-Cost Employee Engagement and Retention Tool

Are your top talent engaged? Do they feel committed to the work they are doing? Do they brag about your company to others as a great place to work?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hires’ Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You’ve gotten them excited about their new job. You’re excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Powerful Speaking Skills: Make Sure You Project Calm, Confidence, Competence and Command

Being able to deliver an effective presentation is a critical skill in today’s workplace. It could be speaking to a large group of peers or employees; or addressing a major client or prospect; or even influencing senior management to fund a project; or some other situation that can impact your credibility as an effective manager or leader.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Hybrid Workplace: 10 Best Practices to Manage Your Team’s People, Priorities, & Performance

A major shift is underway that’s fundamentally altering when, where, and how work occurs. As organizations confront changing realities of this new normal, hybrid teams are emerging as the primary way work will get done and goals accomplished. However, saying your company is a hybrid workplace is much easier that creating an effective one.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Stay Interviews: A Powerful and Low-Cost Employee Engagement and Retention Tool

Are your top talent engaged? Do they feel committed to the work they are doing? Do they brag about your company to others as a great place to work?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Your Workplace Culture for 2023: If You Don't Get It Right, Nothing Else Matters

Yes, we are in the midst of a “new normal” that is creating massive challenges to every organization, big and small in all industries. So, why be concerned with culture when you, as a manager, or supervisor, or team leader have so many other problems to deal with? The reason is that this “new normal” creates massive challenges for your department, your team, as well as your employees. Besides the personal adjustments they are making in working remote or hybrid, their working style-habits and behaviors-will also need to adapt to the many changes that are occurring.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Bootcamp for New Managers & Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss 

New managers, supervisors, and team lead matter. They’re on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization’s future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hires’ Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You’ve gotten them excited about their new job. You’re excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Hybrid Workplace: 10 Best Practices to Manage Your Team’s People, Priorities, & Performance

A major shift is underway that’s fundamentally altering when, where, and how work occurs. As organizations confront changing realities of this new normal, hybrid teams are emerging as the primary way work will get done and goals accomplished. However, saying your company is a hybrid workplace is much easier that creating an effective one.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hires’ Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You’ve gotten them excited about their new job. You’re excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Succession Planning: It's Not Just for Emergencies - It's a Leadership Development Strategy

We are finally coming out of an incredibly challenging and stressful couple of years and are moving into a still uncertain 2023 and beyond! Life and the workplace have changed and this new normal will continue to evolve for some time. So, why as a senior leader, or line manager or human resource professional, should you be concerned with succession planning when you have so many other problems and demands to deal with?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Bootcamp for New Managers & Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss 

New managers, supervisors, and team lead matter. They’re on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization’s future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Stay Interviews: A Powerful and Low-Cost Employee Engagement and Retention Tool

Are your top talent engaged? Do they feel committed to the work they are doing? Do they brag about your company to others as a great place to work?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Employee Coaching Skills: How to Motivate, Create Accountability and Boost Their Performance

Coaching skills are essential to the job performance of every manager, supervisor, team leader regardless of the kind of work involved. Coaching is a highly visible and positive demonstration of your leadership skills. Effective performance coaching will help you to resolve poor performance, reinforce desirable behavior, provide support and encouragement, and stimulate individuals to strive for excellence in work.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Quiet Quitting: How to Spot It, Stop It and Quickly Re-Engage & Re-Energize Your Workforce

Quiet quitting has become a new buzzword in the workplace. What does it mean, how did this trend get started and what do you need to do to avoid having it negatively affect your organization?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Your Workplace Culture for 2023: If You Don't Get It Right, Nothing Else Matters

Yes, we are in the midst of a “new normal” that is creating massive challenges to every organization, big and small in all industries. So, why be concerned with culture when you, as a manager, or supervisor, or team leader have so many other problems to deal with? The reason is that this “new normal” creates massive challenges for your department, your team, as well as your employees. Besides the personal adjustments they are making in working remote or hybrid, their working style-habits and behaviors-will also need to adapt to the many changes that are occurring.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hires’ Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You’ve gotten them excited about their new job. You’re excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Hybrid Workplace: 10 Best Practices to Manage Your Team’s People, Priorities, & Performance

A major shift is underway that’s fundamentally altering when, where, and how work occurs. As organizations confront changing realities of this new normal, hybrid teams are emerging as the primary way work will get done and goals accomplished. However, saying your company is a hybrid workplace is much easier that creating an effective one.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hires’ Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You’ve gotten them excited about their new job. You’re excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Stay Interviews: A Powerful and Low-Cost Employee Engagement and Retention Tool

Are your top talent engaged? Do they feel committed to the work they are doing? Do they brag about your company to others as a great place to work?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

From Boomers to Zoomers: Top 5 Challenges & 10 Best Strategies to Lead Multi-Generational Teams

Multiple generations comprise today’s workforce, and each has varied work habits, work and communication styles, expectations, and goals.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Succession Planning: It's Not Just for Emergencies - It's a Leadership Development Strategy

We are finally coming out of an incredibly challenging and stressful couple of years and are moving into a still uncertain 2023 and beyond! Life and the workplace have changed and this new normal will continue to evolve for some time. So, why as a senior leader, or line manager or human resource professional, should you be concerned with succession planning when you have so many other problems and demands to deal with?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hire's Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You've gotten them excited about their new job. You're excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Hybrid Workplace: 10 Best Practices to Manage Your Team's People, Priorities, & Performance

A major shift is underway that's fundamentally altering when, where, and how work occurs. As organizations confront changing realities of this new normal, hybrid teams are emerging as the primary way work will get done and goals accomplished. However, saying your company is a hybrid workplace is much easier that creating an effective one.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Your Workplace Culture for 2023: If You Don't Get It Right, Nothing Else Matters

Yes, we are in the midst of a "new normal" that is creating massive challenges to every organization, big and small in all industries. So, why be concerned with culture when you, as a manager, or supervisor, or team leader have so many other problems to deal with?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Quiet Quitting: How to Spot It, Stop It and Quickly Re-Engage & Re-Energize Your Workforce

Quiet quitting has become a new buzzword in the workplace. What does it mean, how did this trend get started and what do you need to do to avoid having it negatively affect your organization?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Bootcamp for New Managers & Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss

New managers, supervisors, and team lead matter. They’re on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization’s future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hire's Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You've gotten them excited about their new job. You're excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hire's Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You've gotten them excited about their new job. You're excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Stay Interviews: A Powerful and Low-Cost Employee Engagement and Retention Tool

Are your top talent engaged? Do they feel committed to the work they are doing? Do they brag about your company to others as a great place to work?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding Your New Hires- Leverage the Potential of AI to Enhance Their Experience and Retention

In today's fast-paced business world, employee onboarding is more critical than ever before. It can make or break an organization's success in retaining new hires and ensuring their productivity.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hire's Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You've gotten them excited about their new job. You're excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Your Workplace Culture for 2024: If You Don't Get It Right, Nothing Else Matters!

Yes, we are in the midst of a “new normal” that is creating massive challenges to every organization, big and small in all industries. So, why be concerned with culture when you, as a manager, or supervisor, or team leader have so many other problems to deal with?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Bootcamp for New Managers & Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss

New managers, supervisors, and team lead matter. They’re on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization’s future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Coaching for High Performance: How Great Managers Motivate and Get Outstanding Results

Coaching skills are essential to the job performance of every manager, supervisor, team leader regardless of the kind of work involved. Coaching is a highly visible and positive demonstration of your leadership skills. It signals to all employees that you will not accept or tolerate sub-standard performance from members of your group. Effective performance coaching will help you to resolve poor performance, reinforce desirable behavior, provide support and encouragement, and stimulate individuals to strive for excellence in work.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Stay Interviews: A Powerful and Low-Cost Employee Engagement and Retention Tool

Are your top talent engaged? Do they feel committed to the work they are doing? Do they brag about your company to others as a great place to work?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hire's Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You've gotten them excited about their new job. You're excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Bootcamp for New Managers & Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss

New managers, supervisors, and team lead matter. They're on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization's future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Your Workplace Culture for 2024 : If You Don't Get It Right, Nothing Else Matters!

Yes, we are in the midst of a "new normal" that is creating massive challenges to every organization, big and small in all industries. So, why be concerned with culture when you, as a manager, or supervisor, or team leader have so many other problems to deal with?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Coaching for High Performance : How Great Managers Motivate, Engage and Get Outstanding Results

Coaching skills are essential to the job performance of every manager, supervisor, team leader regardless of the kind of work involved. Coaching is a highly visible and positive demonstrations of your leadership skills. It signals to all employees that you will not accept or tolerate sub-standard performance from members of your group. Effective performance coaching will help you to resolve poor performance, reinforce desirable behavior, provide support and encouragement, and stimulate individuals to strive for excellence in work.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Stay Interviews: A Powerful and Low-Cost Employee Engagement and Retention Tool

Are your top talent engaged? Do they feel committed to the work they are doing? Do they brag about your company to others as a great place to work?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hire's Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You've gotten them excited about their new job. You're excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Hybrid Workplace: 10 Best Practices to Manage Your Team's People, Priorities, & Performance

A major shift is underway that's fundamentally altering when, where, and how work occurs. As organizations confront changing realities of this new normal, hybrid teams are emerging as the primary way work will get done and goals accomplished. However, saying your company is a hybrid workplace is much easier that creating an effective one.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Employee Job Dissatisfaction: How to Spot It, Stop It & Quickly Re-Engage & Re-Energize Your Workforce

Quiet quitting has become a new buzzword in the workplace. What does it mean, how did this trend get started and what do you need to do to avoid having it negatively affect your organization?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Bootcamp for New Managers & Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss

New managers, supervisors, and team lead matter. They're on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization's future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hire's Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You've gotten them excited about their new job. You're excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Stay Interviews: A Powerful and Low-Cost Employee Engagement and Retention Tool

Are your top talent engaged? Do they feel committed to the work they are doing? Do they brag about your company to others as a great place to work?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Hybrid Workplace: 10 Best Practices to Manage Your Team's People, Priorities, & Performance

A major shift is underway that's fundamentally altering when, where, and how work occurs. As organizations confront changing realities of this new normal, hybrid teams are emerging as the primary way work will get done and goals accomplished. However, saying your company is a hybrid workplace is much easier that creating an effective one.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Bootcamp for New Managers & Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss

New managers, supervisors, and team lead matter. They're on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization's future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hire's Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You've gotten them excited about their new job. You're excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Bootcamp for New Managers & Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss

New managers, supervisors, and team lead matter. They're on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization's future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hire's Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You've gotten them excited about their new job. You're excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Hybrid Workplace: 10 Best Practices to Manage Your Team's People, Priorities, & Performance

A major shift is underway that's fundamentally altering when, where, and how work occurs. As organizations confront changing realities of this new normal, hybrid teams are emerging as the primary way work will get done and goals accomplished. However, saying your company is a hybrid workplace is much easier that creating an effective one.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Mastering the Leap to Now Being the Boss: Essential Skills for New Supervisors, Managers, Team Leaders

New managers, supervisors, team leads matter. They’re on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization’s future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Mastering the Leap to Now Being the Boss: Essential Skills for New Supervisors, Managers, Team Leaders

New managers, supervisors, team leads matter. They’re on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization’s future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Destress the Stress: 10 Positive Ways to Manage Workplace Stress and Burnout So It Doesn't Manage You!

Did you know today 80% of workers - your leaders, managers, and employees - feel stress on the job?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding Best Practices: Everything You Need to Know to Boost Your New Hire's Experience & Retention!

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You've gotten them excited about their new job. You're excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

So, You're Now the "Boss": Essential Skills to Succeed as a New Supervisor, Manager, Team Lead!

New managers, supervisors, and team lead matter. They're on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization's future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Employee Disengagement: Stop Quiet Quitting and Quickly Re-Engage & Re-Energize Your Workforce!

Quiet quitting has become a new buzzword in the workplace. What does it mean, how did this trend get started and what do you need to do to avoid having it negatively affect your organization?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding Best Practices: Everything You Need to Know to Boost Your New Hire's Engagement & Retention!

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You've gotten them excited about their new job. You're excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Mastering the Leap to Now Being the Boss: Essential Skills for New Supervisors, Managers, Team Leaders

New managers, supervisors, team leads matter. They're on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization's future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Be a More Effective Leader: Build the Key Skills to Influence Staff, Bosses, Peers & Other Stakeholders!

Powerful, effective leadership will be essential as businesses and organizations continue to transform into a more interconnected, interdependent, global workplace that continues to experience ongoing change.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is NOT Orientation - How to Improve the New Employee Experience

In this webinar, we will learn the reasons onboarding is important today. We will learn that the terms orientation and onboarding are not interchangeable. We will learn that orientation is in reality just one step in the onboarding process. We will learn that the onboarding process begins before the hire is made.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Succession Planning: It's Not Just for Emergencies - It's a Leadership Development Strategy

In the early morning hours of September 11, the world watched in horror as commercial jetliners crashed into the World Trade Center twin towers and the Pentagon.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Bootcamp for New Managers & Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss

New managers, supervisors, team leads matter. They’re on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them, will become your organization’s future leaders. However, most organizations promote productive employees and independent contributors into managerial positions based on their technical competence.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Powerful Leadership: Influencing Skills to Boost Your Reputation, Your Impact and Your Career

Powerful leadership will be essential as businesses and organizations continue to transform into a more interconnected, interdependent, global workplace during the "new normal" of 2022. That’s because leaders can no longer lead solely by the power of their authority or position. They need the personal power of influence - the ability to positively impact the actions, behavior, and opinions of, not just their direct reports, but all stakeholders to achieve targeted results.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Stay Interviews: A Powerful and Low-Cost Employee Engagement and Retention Tool

The best way to find out what your employees want and how to retain them is to ask them. Ask questions to gauge how you're meeting your employees' expectations. Not just "How's it going?", but specific questions to get specific answers. Explore why these people remain with your company. Why did they join the organization? How well are their objectives or dreams being fulfilled? Which aspects of their work do they enjoy the most? Which do they least enjoy? Are they receiving sufficient opportunities for growth and development? What would influence them to look elsewhere?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is NOT Orientation - How to Improve the New Employee Experience

In this webinar, we will learn the reasons onboarding is important today. We will learn that the terms orientation and onboarding are not interchangeable. We will learn that orientation is in reality just one step in the onboarding process. We will learn that the onboarding process begins before the hire is made.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is NOT Orientation - How to Improve the New Employee Experience

In this webinar, we will learn the reasons onboarding is important today. We will learn that the terms orientation and onboarding are not interchangeable. We will learn that orientation is in reality just one step in the onboarding process. We will learn that the onboarding process begins before the hire is made.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Bootcamp for New Managers & Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss 

New managers, supervisors, team leads matter. They’re on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them, will become your organization’s future leaders. However, most organizations promote productive employees and independent contributors into managerial positions based on their technical competence.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Powerful Leadership: Influencing Skills to Boost Your Reputation, Your Impact and Your Career

Powerful leadership will be essential as businesses and organizations continue to transform into a more interconnected, interdependent, global workplace during the “new normal” of 2022. That’s because leaders can no longer lead solely by the power of their authority or position. They need the personal power of influence - the ability to positively impact the actions, behavior, opinions of, not just their direct reports, but all stakeholders to achieve targeted results.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Stay Interviews: A Powerful and Low-Cost Employee Engagement and Retention Tool

The best way to find out what your employees want and how to retain them is to ask them. Ask questions to gauge how you're meeting your employees' expectations. Not just "How's it going?", but specific questions to get specific answers. Explore why these people remain with your company. Why did they join the organization? How well are their objectives or dreams being fulfilled? Which aspects of their work do they enjoy the most? Which do they least enjoy? Are they receiving sufficient opportunities for growth and development? What would influence them to look elsewhere?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Succession Planning: It's Not Just for Emergencies - It's a Leadership Development Strategy

In the early morning hours of September 11, the world watched in horror as commercial jetliners crashed into the World Trade Center twin towers and the Pentagon.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is NOT Orientation - How to Improve the New Employee Experience

In this webinar, we will learn the reasons onboarding is important today. We will learn that the terms orientation and onboarding are not interchangeable. We will learn that orientation is in reality just one step in the onboarding process. We will learn that the onboarding process begins before the hire is made.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hires’ Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You’ve gotten them excited about their new job. You’re excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Bootcamp for New Managers and Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss

New managers, supervisors, team leads matter. They’re on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them, will become your organization’s future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Succession Planning: It's Not Just for Emergencies - It's a Leadership Development Strategy

We are finally coming out of an incredibly challenging and stressful couple of years and are moving into a still uncertain 2023 and beyond! Life and the workplace have changed and this new normal will continue to evolve for some time. So, why as a senior leader, or line manager or human resource professional, should you be concerned with succession planning when you have so many other problems and demands to deal with?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Powerful Speaking Skills: Make Sure You Project Calm, Confidence, Competence and Command

Being able to deliver an effective presentation is a critical skill in today’s workplace. It could be speaking to a large group of peers or employees; or addressing a major client or prospect; or even influencing senior management to fund a project; or some other situation that can impact your credibility as an effective manager or leader.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Stay Interviews: A Powerful and Low-Cost Employee Engagement and Retention Tool

Are your top talent engaged? Do they feel committed to the work they are doing? Do they brag about your company to others as a great place to work?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Your Workplace Culture for 2023: If You Don't Get It Right, Nothing Else Matters

Yes, we are in the midst of a “new normal” that is creating massive challenges to every organization, big and small in all industries.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Coaching for High Performance: How Great Managers Motivate, Engage and Get Outstanding Results

Coaching skills are essential to the job performance of every manager, supervisor, team leader regardless of the kind of work involved. Coaching is a highly visible and positive demonstrations of your leadership skills. It signals to all employees that you will not accept or tolerate sub-standard performance from members of your group. Effective performance coaching will help you to resolve poor performance, reinforce desirable behavior, provide support and encouragement, and stimulate individuals to strive for excellence in work.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Behavioral Interviewing: Hire the Right Talent with the Right Skills & Fit for the Right Positions

Have you ever hired someone who did not live up to expectations? Are your managers selecting too many round pegs to fit into square holes? If you hire people for positions who are not good fits, they will struggle to reach optimum performance, to be fully engaged, and are more likely to leave. They will also eat up your time and energy and weaken an entire team.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Bootcamp for New Managers and Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss

New managers, supervisors, team leads matter. They’re on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them, will become your organization’s future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hires’ Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You’ve gotten them excited about their new job. You’re excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Stay Interviews: A Powerful and Low-Cost Employee Engagement and Retention Tool

Are your top talent engaged? Do they feel committed to the work they are doing? Do they brag about your company to others as a great place to work?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Succession Planning: It's Not Just for Emergencies - It's a Leadership Development Strategy

We are finally coming out of an incredibly challenging and stressful couple of years and are moving into a still uncertain 2023 and beyond! Life and the workplace have changed and this new normal will continue to evolve for some time. So, why as a senior leader, or line manager or human resource professional, should you be concerned with succession planning when you have so many other problems and demands to deal with?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is NOT Orientation - How to Improve the New Employee Experience

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You’ve gotten them excited about their new job. You’re excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Bootcamp for New Managers & Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss 

New managers, supervisors, and team lead matter. They’re on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization’s future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Quiet Quitting: How to Spot It, Stop It and Quickly Re-Engage & Re-Energize Your Workforce

Quiet quitting has become a new buzzword in the workplace. What does it mean, how did this trend get started and what do you need to do to avoid having it negatively affect your organization?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Influence Skills for HR Leaders: How to Build Your Reputation, Personal Power & Business Impact

As a Human Resource department, how well do you influence your company's direction? Contribute to the corporate discussion about customers, products, and strategy. Are you a participant in senior-level meetings? Do managers seek your opinion? Are you seen as an equal business partner and a full-fledged member of the top management team?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hires’ Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You’ve gotten them excited about their new job. You’re excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Stay Interviews: A Powerful and Low-Cost Employee Engagement and Retention Tool

Are your top talent engaged? Do they feel committed to the work they are doing? Do they brag about your company to others as a great place to work?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hires’ Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You’ve gotten them excited about their new job. You’re excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Powerful Speaking Skills: Make Sure You Project Calm, Confidence, Competence and Command

Being able to deliver an effective presentation is a critical skill in today’s workplace. It could be speaking to a large group of peers or employees; or addressing a major client or prospect; or even influencing senior management to fund a project; or some other situation that can impact your credibility as an effective manager or leader.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Hybrid Workplace: 10 Best Practices to Manage Your Team’s People, Priorities, & Performance

A major shift is underway that’s fundamentally altering when, where, and how work occurs. As organizations confront changing realities of this new normal, hybrid teams are emerging as the primary way work will get done and goals accomplished. However, saying your company is a hybrid workplace is much easier that creating an effective one.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Stay Interviews: A Powerful and Low-Cost Employee Engagement and Retention Tool

Are your top talent engaged? Do they feel committed to the work they are doing? Do they brag about your company to others as a great place to work?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Your Workplace Culture for 2023: If You Don't Get It Right, Nothing Else Matters

Yes, we are in the midst of a “new normal” that is creating massive challenges to every organization, big and small in all industries. So, why be concerned with culture when you, as a manager, or supervisor, or team leader have so many other problems to deal with? The reason is that this “new normal” creates massive challenges for your department, your team, as well as your employees. Besides the personal adjustments they are making in working remote or hybrid, their working style-habits and behaviors-will also need to adapt to the many changes that are occurring.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Bootcamp for New Managers & Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss 

New managers, supervisors, and team lead matter. They’re on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization’s future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hires’ Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You’ve gotten them excited about their new job. You’re excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Hybrid Workplace: 10 Best Practices to Manage Your Team’s People, Priorities, & Performance

A major shift is underway that’s fundamentally altering when, where, and how work occurs. As organizations confront changing realities of this new normal, hybrid teams are emerging as the primary way work will get done and goals accomplished. However, saying your company is a hybrid workplace is much easier that creating an effective one.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hires’ Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You’ve gotten them excited about their new job. You’re excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Succession Planning: It's Not Just for Emergencies - It's a Leadership Development Strategy

We are finally coming out of an incredibly challenging and stressful couple of years and are moving into a still uncertain 2023 and beyond! Life and the workplace have changed and this new normal will continue to evolve for some time. So, why as a senior leader, or line manager or human resource professional, should you be concerned with succession planning when you have so many other problems and demands to deal with?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Bootcamp for New Managers & Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss 

New managers, supervisors, and team lead matter. They’re on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization’s future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Stay Interviews: A Powerful and Low-Cost Employee Engagement and Retention Tool

Are your top talent engaged? Do they feel committed to the work they are doing? Do they brag about your company to others as a great place to work?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Employee Coaching Skills: How to Motivate, Create Accountability and Boost Their Performance

Coaching skills are essential to the job performance of every manager, supervisor, team leader regardless of the kind of work involved. Coaching is a highly visible and positive demonstration of your leadership skills. Effective performance coaching will help you to resolve poor performance, reinforce desirable behavior, provide support and encouragement, and stimulate individuals to strive for excellence in work.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Quiet Quitting: How to Spot It, Stop It and Quickly Re-Engage & Re-Energize Your Workforce

Quiet quitting has become a new buzzword in the workplace. What does it mean, how did this trend get started and what do you need to do to avoid having it negatively affect your organization?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Your Workplace Culture for 2023: If You Don't Get It Right, Nothing Else Matters

Yes, we are in the midst of a “new normal” that is creating massive challenges to every organization, big and small in all industries. So, why be concerned with culture when you, as a manager, or supervisor, or team leader have so many other problems to deal with? The reason is that this “new normal” creates massive challenges for your department, your team, as well as your employees. Besides the personal adjustments they are making in working remote or hybrid, their working style-habits and behaviors-will also need to adapt to the many changes that are occurring.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hires’ Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You’ve gotten them excited about their new job. You’re excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Hybrid Workplace: 10 Best Practices to Manage Your Team’s People, Priorities, & Performance

A major shift is underway that’s fundamentally altering when, where, and how work occurs. As organizations confront changing realities of this new normal, hybrid teams are emerging as the primary way work will get done and goals accomplished. However, saying your company is a hybrid workplace is much easier that creating an effective one.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hires’ Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You’ve gotten them excited about their new job. You’re excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Stay Interviews: A Powerful and Low-Cost Employee Engagement and Retention Tool

Are your top talent engaged? Do they feel committed to the work they are doing? Do they brag about your company to others as a great place to work?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

From Boomers to Zoomers: Top 5 Challenges & 10 Best Strategies to Lead Multi-Generational Teams

Multiple generations comprise today’s workforce, and each has varied work habits, work and communication styles, expectations, and goals.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Succession Planning: It's Not Just for Emergencies - It's a Leadership Development Strategy

We are finally coming out of an incredibly challenging and stressful couple of years and are moving into a still uncertain 2023 and beyond! Life and the workplace have changed and this new normal will continue to evolve for some time. So, why as a senior leader, or line manager or human resource professional, should you be concerned with succession planning when you have so many other problems and demands to deal with?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hire's Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You've gotten them excited about their new job. You're excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Hybrid Workplace: 10 Best Practices to Manage Your Team's People, Priorities, & Performance

A major shift is underway that's fundamentally altering when, where, and how work occurs. As organizations confront changing realities of this new normal, hybrid teams are emerging as the primary way work will get done and goals accomplished. However, saying your company is a hybrid workplace is much easier that creating an effective one.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Your Workplace Culture for 2023: If You Don't Get It Right, Nothing Else Matters

Yes, we are in the midst of a "new normal" that is creating massive challenges to every organization, big and small in all industries. So, why be concerned with culture when you, as a manager, or supervisor, or team leader have so many other problems to deal with?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Quiet Quitting: How to Spot It, Stop It and Quickly Re-Engage & Re-Energize Your Workforce

Quiet quitting has become a new buzzword in the workplace. What does it mean, how did this trend get started and what do you need to do to avoid having it negatively affect your organization?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Bootcamp for New Managers & Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss

New managers, supervisors, and team lead matter. They’re on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization’s future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hire's Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You've gotten them excited about their new job. You're excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hire's Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You've gotten them excited about their new job. You're excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Stay Interviews: A Powerful and Low-Cost Employee Engagement and Retention Tool

Are your top talent engaged? Do they feel committed to the work they are doing? Do they brag about your company to others as a great place to work?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding Your New Hires- Leverage the Potential of AI to Enhance Their Experience and Retention

In today's fast-paced business world, employee onboarding is more critical than ever before. It can make or break an organization's success in retaining new hires and ensuring their productivity.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hire's Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You've gotten them excited about their new job. You're excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Your Workplace Culture for 2024: If You Don't Get It Right, Nothing Else Matters!

Yes, we are in the midst of a “new normal” that is creating massive challenges to every organization, big and small in all industries. So, why be concerned with culture when you, as a manager, or supervisor, or team leader have so many other problems to deal with?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Bootcamp for New Managers & Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss

New managers, supervisors, and team lead matter. They’re on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization’s future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Coaching for High Performance: How Great Managers Motivate and Get Outstanding Results

Coaching skills are essential to the job performance of every manager, supervisor, team leader regardless of the kind of work involved. Coaching is a highly visible and positive demonstration of your leadership skills. It signals to all employees that you will not accept or tolerate sub-standard performance from members of your group. Effective performance coaching will help you to resolve poor performance, reinforce desirable behavior, provide support and encouragement, and stimulate individuals to strive for excellence in work.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Stay Interviews: A Powerful and Low-Cost Employee Engagement and Retention Tool

Are your top talent engaged? Do they feel committed to the work they are doing? Do they brag about your company to others as a great place to work?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hire's Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You've gotten them excited about their new job. You're excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Bootcamp for New Managers & Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss

New managers, supervisors, and team lead matter. They're on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization's future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Your Workplace Culture for 2024 : If You Don't Get It Right, Nothing Else Matters!

Yes, we are in the midst of a "new normal" that is creating massive challenges to every organization, big and small in all industries. So, why be concerned with culture when you, as a manager, or supervisor, or team leader have so many other problems to deal with?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Coaching for High Performance : How Great Managers Motivate, Engage and Get Outstanding Results

Coaching skills are essential to the job performance of every manager, supervisor, team leader regardless of the kind of work involved. Coaching is a highly visible and positive demonstrations of your leadership skills. It signals to all employees that you will not accept or tolerate sub-standard performance from members of your group. Effective performance coaching will help you to resolve poor performance, reinforce desirable behavior, provide support and encouragement, and stimulate individuals to strive for excellence in work.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Stay Interviews: A Powerful and Low-Cost Employee Engagement and Retention Tool

Are your top talent engaged? Do they feel committed to the work they are doing? Do they brag about your company to others as a great place to work?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hire's Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You've gotten them excited about their new job. You're excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Hybrid Workplace: 10 Best Practices to Manage Your Team's People, Priorities, & Performance

A major shift is underway that's fundamentally altering when, where, and how work occurs. As organizations confront changing realities of this new normal, hybrid teams are emerging as the primary way work will get done and goals accomplished. However, saying your company is a hybrid workplace is much easier that creating an effective one.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Employee Job Dissatisfaction: How to Spot It, Stop It & Quickly Re-Engage & Re-Energize Your Workforce

Quiet quitting has become a new buzzword in the workplace. What does it mean, how did this trend get started and what do you need to do to avoid having it negatively affect your organization?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Bootcamp for New Managers & Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss

New managers, supervisors, and team lead matter. They're on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization's future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hire's Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You've gotten them excited about their new job. You're excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Hybrid Workplace: 10 Best Practices to Manage Your Team's People, Priorities, & Performance

A major shift is underway that's fundamentally altering when, where, and how work occurs. As organizations confront changing realities of this new normal, hybrid teams are emerging as the primary way work will get done and goals accomplished. However, saying your company is a hybrid workplace is much easier that creating an effective one.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Bootcamp for New Managers & Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss

New managers, supervisors, and team lead matter. They're on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization's future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hire's Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You've gotten them excited about their new job. You're excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Bootcamp for New Managers & Supervisors: Avoid These 7 Mistakes and Be a Better Boss

New managers, supervisors, and team lead matter. They're on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization's future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding is Not Orientation: How to Improve Your New Hire's Experience & Their Retention

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You've gotten them excited about their new job. You're excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Hybrid Workplace: 10 Best Practices to Manage Your Team's People, Priorities, & Performance

A major shift is underway that's fundamentally altering when, where, and how work occurs. As organizations confront changing realities of this new normal, hybrid teams are emerging as the primary way work will get done and goals accomplished. However, saying your company is a hybrid workplace is much easier that creating an effective one.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Mastering the Leap to Now Being the Boss: Essential Skills for New Supervisors, Managers, Team Leaders

New managers, supervisors, team leads matter. They’re on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization’s future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Mastering the Leap to Now Being the Boss: Essential Skills for New Supervisors, Managers, Team Leaders

New managers, supervisors, team leads matter. They’re on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization’s future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Destress the Stress: 10 Positive Ways to Manage Workplace Stress and Burnout So It Doesn't Manage You!

Did you know today 80% of workers - your leaders, managers, and employees - feel stress on the job?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding Best Practices: Everything You Need to Know to Boost Your New Hire's Experience & Retention!

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You've gotten them excited about their new job. You're excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

So, You're Now the "Boss": Essential Skills to Succeed as a New Supervisor, Manager, Team Lead!

New managers, supervisors, and team lead matter. They're on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization's future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Employee Disengagement: Stop Quiet Quitting and Quickly Re-Engage & Re-Energize Your Workforce!

Quiet quitting has become a new buzzword in the workplace. What does it mean, how did this trend get started and what do you need to do to avoid having it negatively affect your organization?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Onboarding Best Practices: Everything You Need to Know to Boost Your New Hire's Engagement & Retention!

You have made your decision about whom to hire. You've gotten them excited about their new job. You're excited about what they can bring to your team. Now what?

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Mastering the Leap to Now Being the Boss: Essential Skills for New Supervisors, Managers, Team Leaders

New managers, supervisors, team leads matter. They're on the front lines with your workforce, your customers, and your markets. They have tremendous potential. And some of them will become your organization's future leaders.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Marcia Zidle

Be a More Effective Leader: Build the Key Skills to Influence Staff, Bosses, Peers & Other Stakeholders!

Powerful, effective leadership will be essential as businesses and organizations continue to transform into a more interconnected, interdependent, global workplace that continues to experience ongoing change.

Speaker: Marcia Zidle | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details

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