Speaker Profile

Jenny Douras
Jenny Douras

Jenny Douras is President at AdvantEdge Training & Consulting. She has over 25 years of experience in management, employee development, operations, instructional design and training. Jenny has managed teams of up to 300 people across multiple states and countries, working with several Fortune 500 clients. From this experience she developed her Remote Employee Management Class. She also sat on the board of directors for the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the American Society for Training and Development for three years, and is an active member of the Colorado training community.

Upcoming Webinars Recorded Webinars
  • 18
  • September
  • 2024
  • Wednesday
08:00 AM PDT | 11:00 AM EDT

Dealing with Difficult People

We all have to deal with difficult people in our lives. It could be a coworker or irate boss, a family member, or that grocery store clerk who just doesn’t seem to want to have a good day. In all cases, it can be frustrating to have to deal with them and even exasperating to figure out how to best deal with them, without it ruining our day or causing us stress.

Jenny Douras Jenny Douras | Duration:60 Minutes | Price: ¤149.00 | View Details
  • 19
  • September
  • 2024
  • Thursday
08:00 AM PDT | 11:00 AM EDT

Employee Retention - Keeping Employees in the Great Resignation Environment

People seem to be changing jobs at an ever-faster pace. The pandemic created what we now call the great resignation where it seems everyone is jumping ship to find a better job in an employee-shortage market.

Jenny Douras Jenny Douras | Duration:60 Minutes | Price: ¤149.00 | View Details
  • 19
  • September
  • 2024
  • Thursday
09:00 AM Australia Time

Remote Manager MD

When managing a team of remote employees, how do you know if you have a healthy team? When you don't see your team all of the time, it can be tough to discover team issues.

Jenny Douras Jenny Douras | Duration:60 Minutes | Price: ¤149.00 | View Details
  • 20
  • September
  • 2024
  • Friday
10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT

Meetings With Results

Does it seem like you spend way too much time in meetings that never deliver results? This webinar will show you how to run effective meetings that encourage collaboration and participation, that doesn’t drag on for hours and that create action after the meeting has ended. Learn about the different types of meetings and styles and how to create a meeting that is unique and engaging for everyone.

Jenny Douras Jenny Douras | Duration:60 Minutes | Price: ¤149.00 | View Details
  • 20
  • September
  • 2024
  • Friday
09:00 AM Australia Time

Writing Effective Emails

While email has become widely accepted as the default method of communication in business, many employees struggle with balancing appropriate style, tone, and construction with the convenience and speed of email.

Jenny Douras Jenny Douras | Duration:60 Minutes | Price: ¤149.00 | View Details
  • 8
  • October
  • 2024
  • Tuesday
09:00 AM Australia Time

Getting a Handle on Outlook Email

Do Outlook and email sometimes feel like the bane of your existence?

Jenny Douras Jenny Douras | Duration:60 Minutes | Price: ¤149.00 | View Details
  • 9
  • October
  • 2024
  • Wednesday
09:00 AM Australia Time

PowerPoint Intermediate

Are your PowerPoint presentations lacking the polish or punch you'd like them to have? This PowerPoint Intermediate webinar lets you take your PowerPoint skills to the next level, enabling you to make more complex, interactive, and engaging presentations. This webinar will give you the ability to create presentations that will be more visually appealing and impactful when giving a presentation.

Jenny Douras Jenny Douras | Duration:60 Minutes | Price: ¤149.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

PowerPoint Intermediate

Are your PowerPoint presentations lacking the polish or punch you’d like them to have? This PowerPoint Intermediate webinar lets you take your PowerPoint skills to the next level, enabling you to make more complex, interactive, and engaging presentations. This webinar will give you the ability to create presentations that will be more visually appealing and impactful when giving a presentation.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

PowerPoint Advanced - Making Things Move

This webinar is all about adding movement to your presentations. Learn how to add advanced animation techniques, incorporate Videos and sound, and add interactive action buttons. Wow your audience with interesting animations and engaging custom graphics.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Getting a Handle on Outlook Email

Does Outlook and email sometimes feel like the bane of your existence? Does it feel like you are bombarded with so many emails you can never keep up? Does your Outlook inbox feel like its overflowing and hard to find the important items you need?

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Complex Documents in Microsoft Word

Most of us know how to create a document in Word and apply simple formatting. But what if you need to create something more complex? Once you need to start working with things like styles and sections, or need to create a Table of Contents, use Mail Merge to create labels or letters, or headers and footers, it can become trickier.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Getting a Handle on Outlook Email

Does Outlook and email sometimes feel like the bane of your existence? Does it feel like you are bombarded with so many emails you can never keep up? Does your Outlook inbox feel like its overflowing and hard to find the important items you need?

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Writing Effective Emails

While email has become widely accepted as the default method of communication in business, many employees struggle with balancing appropriate style, tone and construction with the convenience and speed of email.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

PowerPoint Basics

PowerPoint allows you to convey your ideas effectively to others with much greater impact than the spoken or written word alone can convey. Whether it is a sales proposal, a training session, or an annual stockholders’ presentation, PowerPoint will help you keep your audience riveted and ready to absorb the information you are presenting. The PowerPoint Basics webinar will introduce you to this important application, giving you the skills to build and run simple PowerPoint presentations.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Writing Effective Emails

While email has become widely accepted as the default method of communication in business, many employees struggle with balancing appropriate style, tone and construction with the convenience and speed of email.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

PowerPoint Basics

PowerPoint allows you to convey your ideas effectively to others with much greater impact than the spoken or written word alone can convey. Whether it is a sales proposal, a training session, or an annual stockholders’ presentation, PowerPoint will help you keep your audience riveted and ready to absorb the information you are presenting. The PowerPoint Basics webinar will introduce you to this important application, giving you the skills to build and run simple PowerPoint presentations.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

How to Hire the Right Employee

In order to reduce employee turnover, we have to start by hiring the right employees the first time. This starts by interviewing for retention, which is best done through a technique called Behavioral Interviewing.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Excel - Advanced Formulas & Functions

Excel is an amazing program that can do some complex and advanced calculations to help automate your spreadsheets and make your job easier.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Remote Manager MD

When managing a team of remote employees, how do you know if you have a healthy team? When you don’t see your team all of the time, it can be tough to discover team issues.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Writing Effective Emails

While email has become widely accepted as the default method of communication in business, many employees struggle with balancing appropriate style, tone and construction with the convenience and speed of email.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Getting a Handle on Outlook Email

Does Outlook and email sometimes feel like the bane of your existence? Does it feel like you are bombarded with so many emails you can never keep up? Does your Outlook inbox feel like its overflowing and hard to find the important items you need?

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

PowerPoint Intermediate

Are your PowerPoint presentations lacking the polish or punch you’d like them to have? This PowerPoint Intermediate webinar lets you take your PowerPoint skills to the next level, enabling you to make more complex, interactive, and engaging presentations. This webinar will give you the ability to create presentations that will be more visually appealing and impactful when giving a presentation.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Creating High Performance Teams

How do you know if your team is performing at its peak? Team dynamics can be complicated and keeping a team of people all working toward goals with the same level of high performance can seem daunting. In this webinar, we will look at how to create and maintain effective teams that work well together, spark ideas, and remove barriers so they can create great results.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Dealing with Difficult People

We all have to deal with difficult people in our lives. It could be a coworker or irate boss, a family member, or that grocery store clerk who just doesn’t seem to want to have a good day. In all cases, it can be frustrating to have to deal with them and even exasperating to figure out how to best deal with them, without it ruining our day or causing us stress.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Employee Retention - Keeping Employees in the Great Resignation Environment

People seem to be changing jobs at an ever-faster pace. The pandemic created what we now call the great resignation where it seems everyone is jumping ship to find a better job in an employee-shortage market.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Meetings with Results

Does it seem like you spend way too much time in meetings that never deliver results? This webinar will show you how to run effective meetings that encourage collaboration and participation, that doesn’t drag on for hours and that create action after the meeting has ended. Learn about the different types of meetings and styles and how to create a meeting that is unique and engaging for everyone.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Writing Effective Emails

While email has become widely accepted as the default method of communication in business, many employees struggle with balancing appropriate style, tone and construction with the convenience and speed of email.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Excel - Advanced Formulas & Functions

Excel is an amazing program that can do some complex and advanced calculations to help automate your spreadsheets and make your job easier.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Writing Effective Emails

While email has become widely accepted as the default method of communication in business, many employees struggle with balancing appropriate style, tone, and construction with the convenience and speed of email.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Getting a Handle on Outlook Email

Do Outlook and email sometimes feel like the bane of your existence? Does it feel like you are bombarded with so many emails you can never keep up? Does your Outlook inbox feel like it's overflowing and hard to find the important items you need?

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

PowerPoint Intermediate

Are your PowerPoint presentations lacking the polish or punch you’d like them to have? This PowerPoint Intermediate webinar lets you take your PowerPoint skills to the next level, enabling you to make more complex, interactive, and engaging presentations. This webinar will give you the ability to create presentations that will be more visually appealing and impactful when giving a presentation.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Dealing with Difficult People

We all have to deal with difficult people in our lives. It could be a coworker or irate boss, a family member, or that grocery store clerk who just doesn’t seem to want to have a good day. In all cases, it can be frustrating to have to deal with them and even exasperating to figure out how to best deal with them, without it ruining our day or causing us stress.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Meetings with Results

Does it seem like you spend way too much time in meetings that never deliver results? This webinar will show you how to run effective meetings that encourage collaboration and participation, that doesn’t drag on for hours and that create action after the meeting has ended. Learn about the different types of meetings and styles and how to create a meeting that is unique and engaging for everyone.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

PowerPoint Intermediate

Are your PowerPoint presentations lacking the polish or punch you’d like them to have? This PowerPoint Intermediate webinar lets you take your PowerPoint skills to the next level, enabling you to make more complex, interactive, and engaging presentations. This webinar will give you the ability to create presentations that will be more visually appealing and impactful when giving a presentation.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Writing Effective Emails

While email has become widely accepted as the default method of communication in business, many employees struggle with balancing appropriate style, tone, and construction with the convenience and speed of email.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Conflict Management with Emotional Intelligence

Conflict is normal in the workplace, where people with different values, goals, and perspectives manage complex and stress-provoking work and situations.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Talent Acquisition & Recruitment: Hiring the Best Fit in 2023

In order to reduce employee turnover, we have to start by hiring the right employees the first time. This starts by identifying and advertising for the right candidate and interviewing for retention.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Understanding Personality Types at Work

It’s important to have a range of personality types in our workplace and on each team that we work with. There is strength in having different people with different personalities focusing on different aspects of work to ensure workplaces have the highest level of quality and productivity.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Dealing with Difficult People

We all have to deal with difficult people in our lives. It could be a coworker or irate boss, a family member, or that grocery store clerk who just doesn’t seem to want to have a good day. In all cases, it can be frustrating to have to deal with them and even exasperating to figure out how to best deal with them, without it ruining our day or causing us stress.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Writing Effective Emails

While email has become widely accepted as the default method of communication in business, many employees struggle with balancing appropriate style, tone, and construction with the convenience and speed of email.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

PowerPoint Intermediate

Are your PowerPoint presentations lacking the polish or punch you'd like them to have? This PowerPoint Intermediate webinar lets you take your PowerPoint skills to the next level, enabling you to make more complex, interactive, and engaging presentations. This webinar will give you the ability to create presentations that will be more visually appealing and impactful when giving a presentation.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Getting a Handle on Outlook Email

Do Outlook and email sometimes feel like the bane of your existence? Does it feel like you are bombarded with so many emails you can never keep up? Does your Outlook inbox feel like it's overflowing and hard to find the important items you need?

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Employee Retention - Keeping Employees in the Great Resignation Environment

People seem to be changing jobs at an ever-faster pace. The pandemic created what we now call the great resignation where it seems everyone is jumping ship to find a better job in an employee-shortage market.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Writing Effective Emails

While email has become widely accepted as the default method of communication in business, many employees struggle with balancing appropriate style, tone, and construction with the convenience and speed of email.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Employee Retention - Keeping Employees in the Great Resignation Environment

People seem to be changing jobs at an ever-faster pace. The pandemic created what we now call the great resignation where it seems everyone is jumping ship to find a better job in an employee-shortage market.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Dealing with Difficult People

We all have to deal with difficult people in our lives. It could be a coworker or irate boss, a family member, or that grocery store clerk who just doesn’t seem to want to have a good day. In all cases, it can be frustrating to have to deal with them and even exasperating to figure out how to best deal with them, without it ruining our day or causing us stress.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Conflict Management with Emotional Intelligence

Conflict is normal in the workplace, where people with different values, goals, and perspectives manage complex and stress-provoking work and situations.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Writing Effective Emails

While email has become widely accepted as the default method of communication in business, many employees struggle with balancing appropriate style, tone, and construction with the convenience and speed of email.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Conflict Management with Emotional Intelligence

Conflict is normal in the workplace, where people with different values, goals, and perspectives manage complex and stress-provoking work and situations.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Understanding Personality Types at Work

It’s important to have a range of personality types in our workplace and on each team that we work with. There is strength in having different people with different personalities focusing on different aspects of work to ensure workplaces have the highest level of quality and productivity.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Dealing with Difficult People

We all have to deal with difficult people in our lives. It could be a coworker or irate boss, a family member, or that grocery store clerk who just doesn’t seem to want to have a good day. In all cases, it can be frustrating to have to deal with them and even exasperating to figure out how to best deal with them, without it ruining our day or causing us stress.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

PowerPoint Intermediate

Are your PowerPoint presentations lacking the polish or punch you'd like them to have? This PowerPoint Intermediate webinar lets you take your PowerPoint skills to the next level, enabling you to make more complex, interactive, and engaging presentations. This webinar will give you the ability to create presentations that will be more visually appealing and impactful when giving a presentation.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Writing Effective Emails

While email has become widely accepted as the default method of communication in business, many employees struggle with balancing appropriate style, tone, and construction with the convenience and speed of email.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Getting a Handle on Outlook Email

Do Outlook and email sometimes feel like the bane of your existence?

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

PowerPoint Intermediate

Are your PowerPoint presentations lacking the polish or punch you'd like them to have? This PowerPoint Intermediate webinar lets you take your PowerPoint skills to the next level, enabling you to make more complex, interactive, and engaging presentations. This webinar will give you the ability to create presentations that will be more visually appealing and impactful when giving a presentation.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Dealing with Difficult People

We all have to deal with difficult people in our lives. It could be a coworker or irate boss, a family member, or that grocery store clerk who just doesn’t seem to want to have a good day. In all cases, it can be frustrating to have to deal with them and even exasperating to figure out how to best deal with them, without it ruining our day or causing us stress.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Employee Retention - Keeping Employees in the Great Resignation Environment

People seem to be changing jobs at an ever-faster pace. The pandemic created what we now call the great resignation where it seems everyone is jumping ship to find a better job in an employee-shortage market.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Meetings With Results

Does it seem like you spend way too much time in meetings that never deliver results? This webinar will show you how to run effective meetings that encourage collaboration and participation, that doesn’t drag on for hours and that create action after the meeting has ended. Learn about the different types of meetings and styles and how to create a meeting that is unique and engaging for everyone.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Remote Manager MD

When managing a team of remote employees, how do you know if you have a healthy team? When you don't see your team all of the time, it can be tough to discover team issues.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Writing Effective Emails

While email has become widely accepted as the default method of communication in business, many employees struggle with balancing appropriate style, tone, and construction with the convenience and speed of email.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Getting a Handle on Outlook Email

Do Outlook and email sometimes feel like the bane of your existence?

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

PowerPoint Intermediate

Are your PowerPoint presentations lacking the polish or punch you'd like them to have? This PowerPoint Intermediate webinar lets you take your PowerPoint skills to the next level, enabling you to make more complex, interactive, and engaging presentations. This webinar will give you the ability to create presentations that will be more visually appealing and impactful when giving a presentation.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤199.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

PowerPoint Intermediate

Are your PowerPoint presentations lacking the polish or punch you’d like them to have? This PowerPoint Intermediate webinar lets you take your PowerPoint skills to the next level, enabling you to make more complex, interactive, and engaging presentations. This webinar will give you the ability to create presentations that will be more visually appealing and impactful when giving a presentation.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

PowerPoint Advanced - Making Things Move

This webinar is all about adding movement to your presentations. Learn how to add advanced animation techniques, incorporate Videos and sound, and add interactive action buttons. Wow your audience with interesting animations and engaging custom graphics.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Getting a Handle on Outlook Email

Does Outlook and email sometimes feel like the bane of your existence? Does it feel like you are bombarded with so many emails you can never keep up? Does your Outlook inbox feel like its overflowing and hard to find the important items you need?

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Complex Documents in Microsoft Word

Most of us know how to create a document in Word and apply simple formatting. But what if you need to create something more complex? Once you need to start working with things like styles and sections, or need to create a Table of Contents, use Mail Merge to create labels or letters, or headers and footers, it can become trickier.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Getting a Handle on Outlook Email

Does Outlook and email sometimes feel like the bane of your existence? Does it feel like you are bombarded with so many emails you can never keep up? Does your Outlook inbox feel like its overflowing and hard to find the important items you need?

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Writing Effective Emails

While email has become widely accepted as the default method of communication in business, many employees struggle with balancing appropriate style, tone and construction with the convenience and speed of email.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

PowerPoint Basics

PowerPoint allows you to convey your ideas effectively to others with much greater impact than the spoken or written word alone can convey. Whether it is a sales proposal, a training session, or an annual stockholders’ presentation, PowerPoint will help you keep your audience riveted and ready to absorb the information you are presenting. The PowerPoint Basics webinar will introduce you to this important application, giving you the skills to build and run simple PowerPoint presentations.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Writing Effective Emails

While email has become widely accepted as the default method of communication in business, many employees struggle with balancing appropriate style, tone and construction with the convenience and speed of email.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

PowerPoint Basics

PowerPoint allows you to convey your ideas effectively to others with much greater impact than the spoken or written word alone can convey. Whether it is a sales proposal, a training session, or an annual stockholders’ presentation, PowerPoint will help you keep your audience riveted and ready to absorb the information you are presenting. The PowerPoint Basics webinar will introduce you to this important application, giving you the skills to build and run simple PowerPoint presentations.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

How to Hire the Right Employee

In order to reduce employee turnover, we have to start by hiring the right employees the first time. This starts by interviewing for retention, which is best done through a technique called Behavioral Interviewing.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Excel - Advanced Formulas & Functions

Excel is an amazing program that can do some complex and advanced calculations to help automate your spreadsheets and make your job easier.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Remote Manager MD

When managing a team of remote employees, how do you know if you have a healthy team? When you don’t see your team all of the time, it can be tough to discover team issues.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Writing Effective Emails

While email has become widely accepted as the default method of communication in business, many employees struggle with balancing appropriate style, tone and construction with the convenience and speed of email.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Getting a Handle on Outlook Email

Does Outlook and email sometimes feel like the bane of your existence? Does it feel like you are bombarded with so many emails you can never keep up? Does your Outlook inbox feel like its overflowing and hard to find the important items you need?

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

PowerPoint Intermediate

Are your PowerPoint presentations lacking the polish or punch you’d like them to have? This PowerPoint Intermediate webinar lets you take your PowerPoint skills to the next level, enabling you to make more complex, interactive, and engaging presentations. This webinar will give you the ability to create presentations that will be more visually appealing and impactful when giving a presentation.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Creating High Performance Teams

How do you know if your team is performing at its peak? Team dynamics can be complicated and keeping a team of people all working toward goals with the same level of high performance can seem daunting. In this webinar, we will look at how to create and maintain effective teams that work well together, spark ideas, and remove barriers so they can create great results.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Dealing with Difficult People

We all have to deal with difficult people in our lives. It could be a coworker or irate boss, a family member, or that grocery store clerk who just doesn’t seem to want to have a good day. In all cases, it can be frustrating to have to deal with them and even exasperating to figure out how to best deal with them, without it ruining our day or causing us stress.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Employee Retention - Keeping Employees in the Great Resignation Environment

People seem to be changing jobs at an ever-faster pace. The pandemic created what we now call the great resignation where it seems everyone is jumping ship to find a better job in an employee-shortage market.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Meetings with Results

Does it seem like you spend way too much time in meetings that never deliver results? This webinar will show you how to run effective meetings that encourage collaboration and participation, that doesn’t drag on for hours and that create action after the meeting has ended. Learn about the different types of meetings and styles and how to create a meeting that is unique and engaging for everyone.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Writing Effective Emails

While email has become widely accepted as the default method of communication in business, many employees struggle with balancing appropriate style, tone and construction with the convenience and speed of email.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Excel - Advanced Formulas & Functions

Excel is an amazing program that can do some complex and advanced calculations to help automate your spreadsheets and make your job easier.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Writing Effective Emails

While email has become widely accepted as the default method of communication in business, many employees struggle with balancing appropriate style, tone, and construction with the convenience and speed of email.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Getting a Handle on Outlook Email

Do Outlook and email sometimes feel like the bane of your existence? Does it feel like you are bombarded with so many emails you can never keep up? Does your Outlook inbox feel like it's overflowing and hard to find the important items you need?

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

PowerPoint Intermediate

Are your PowerPoint presentations lacking the polish or punch you’d like them to have? This PowerPoint Intermediate webinar lets you take your PowerPoint skills to the next level, enabling you to make more complex, interactive, and engaging presentations. This webinar will give you the ability to create presentations that will be more visually appealing and impactful when giving a presentation.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Dealing with Difficult People

We all have to deal with difficult people in our lives. It could be a coworker or irate boss, a family member, or that grocery store clerk who just doesn’t seem to want to have a good day. In all cases, it can be frustrating to have to deal with them and even exasperating to figure out how to best deal with them, without it ruining our day or causing us stress.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Meetings with Results

Does it seem like you spend way too much time in meetings that never deliver results? This webinar will show you how to run effective meetings that encourage collaboration and participation, that doesn’t drag on for hours and that create action after the meeting has ended. Learn about the different types of meetings and styles and how to create a meeting that is unique and engaging for everyone.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

PowerPoint Intermediate

Are your PowerPoint presentations lacking the polish or punch you’d like them to have? This PowerPoint Intermediate webinar lets you take your PowerPoint skills to the next level, enabling you to make more complex, interactive, and engaging presentations. This webinar will give you the ability to create presentations that will be more visually appealing and impactful when giving a presentation.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Writing Effective Emails

While email has become widely accepted as the default method of communication in business, many employees struggle with balancing appropriate style, tone, and construction with the convenience and speed of email.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Conflict Management with Emotional Intelligence

Conflict is normal in the workplace, where people with different values, goals, and perspectives manage complex and stress-provoking work and situations.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Talent Acquisition & Recruitment: Hiring the Best Fit in 2023

In order to reduce employee turnover, we have to start by hiring the right employees the first time. This starts by identifying and advertising for the right candidate and interviewing for retention.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Understanding Personality Types at Work

It’s important to have a range of personality types in our workplace and on each team that we work with. There is strength in having different people with different personalities focusing on different aspects of work to ensure workplaces have the highest level of quality and productivity.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Dealing with Difficult People

We all have to deal with difficult people in our lives. It could be a coworker or irate boss, a family member, or that grocery store clerk who just doesn’t seem to want to have a good day. In all cases, it can be frustrating to have to deal with them and even exasperating to figure out how to best deal with them, without it ruining our day or causing us stress.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Writing Effective Emails

While email has become widely accepted as the default method of communication in business, many employees struggle with balancing appropriate style, tone, and construction with the convenience and speed of email.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

PowerPoint Intermediate

Are your PowerPoint presentations lacking the polish or punch you'd like them to have? This PowerPoint Intermediate webinar lets you take your PowerPoint skills to the next level, enabling you to make more complex, interactive, and engaging presentations. This webinar will give you the ability to create presentations that will be more visually appealing and impactful when giving a presentation.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Getting a Handle on Outlook Email

Do Outlook and email sometimes feel like the bane of your existence? Does it feel like you are bombarded with so many emails you can never keep up? Does your Outlook inbox feel like it's overflowing and hard to find the important items you need?

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Employee Retention - Keeping Employees in the Great Resignation Environment

People seem to be changing jobs at an ever-faster pace. The pandemic created what we now call the great resignation where it seems everyone is jumping ship to find a better job in an employee-shortage market.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Writing Effective Emails

While email has become widely accepted as the default method of communication in business, many employees struggle with balancing appropriate style, tone, and construction with the convenience and speed of email.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Employee Retention - Keeping Employees in the Great Resignation Environment

People seem to be changing jobs at an ever-faster pace. The pandemic created what we now call the great resignation where it seems everyone is jumping ship to find a better job in an employee-shortage market.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Conflict Management with Emotional Intelligence

Conflict is normal in the workplace, where people with different values, goals, and perspectives manage complex and stress-provoking work and situations.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Writing Effective Emails

While email has become widely accepted as the default method of communication in business, many employees struggle with balancing appropriate style, tone, and construction with the convenience and speed of email.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Conflict Management with Emotional Intelligence

Conflict is normal in the workplace, where people with different values, goals, and perspectives manage complex and stress-provoking work and situations.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Understanding Personality Types at Work

It’s important to have a range of personality types in our workplace and on each team that we work with. There is strength in having different people with different personalities focusing on different aspects of work to ensure workplaces have the highest level of quality and productivity.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Dealing with Difficult People

We all have to deal with difficult people in our lives. It could be a coworker or irate boss, a family member, or that grocery store clerk who just doesn’t seem to want to have a good day. In all cases, it can be frustrating to have to deal with them and even exasperating to figure out how to best deal with them, without it ruining our day or causing us stress.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

PowerPoint Intermediate

Are your PowerPoint presentations lacking the polish or punch you'd like them to have? This PowerPoint Intermediate webinar lets you take your PowerPoint skills to the next level, enabling you to make more complex, interactive, and engaging presentations. This webinar will give you the ability to create presentations that will be more visually appealing and impactful when giving a presentation.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Writing Effective Emails

While email has become widely accepted as the default method of communication in business, many employees struggle with balancing appropriate style, tone, and construction with the convenience and speed of email.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Getting a Handle on Outlook Email

Do Outlook and email sometimes feel like the bane of your existence?

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

PowerPoint Intermediate

Are your PowerPoint presentations lacking the polish or punch you'd like them to have? This PowerPoint Intermediate webinar lets you take your PowerPoint skills to the next level, enabling you to make more complex, interactive, and engaging presentations. This webinar will give you the ability to create presentations that will be more visually appealing and impactful when giving a presentation.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Dealing with Difficult People

We all have to deal with difficult people in our lives. It could be a coworker or irate boss, a family member, or that grocery store clerk who just doesn’t seem to want to have a good day. In all cases, it can be frustrating to have to deal with them and even exasperating to figure out how to best deal with them, without it ruining our day or causing us stress.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Employee Retention - Keeping Employees in the Great Resignation Environment

People seem to be changing jobs at an ever-faster pace. The pandemic created what we now call the great resignation where it seems everyone is jumping ship to find a better job in an employee-shortage market.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Meetings With Results

Does it seem like you spend way too much time in meetings that never deliver results? This webinar will show you how to run effective meetings that encourage collaboration and participation, that doesn’t drag on for hours and that create action after the meeting has ended. Learn about the different types of meetings and styles and how to create a meeting that is unique and engaging for everyone.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Remote Manager MD

When managing a team of remote employees, how do you know if you have a healthy team? When you don't see your team all of the time, it can be tough to discover team issues.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Writing Effective Emails

While email has become widely accepted as the default method of communication in business, many employees struggle with balancing appropriate style, tone, and construction with the convenience and speed of email.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

Getting a Handle on Outlook Email

Do Outlook and email sometimes feel like the bane of your existence?

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details
Jenny Douras

PowerPoint Intermediate

Are your PowerPoint presentations lacking the polish or punch you'd like them to have? This PowerPoint Intermediate webinar lets you take your PowerPoint skills to the next level, enabling you to make more complex, interactive, and engaging presentations. This webinar will give you the ability to create presentations that will be more visually appealing and impactful when giving a presentation.

Speaker: Jenny Douras | View Anytime | Duration: 60 Minutes | Price: ¤399.00 | View Details

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